How Apple allows competitors to use contactless payments, while European Commissioner Vestager warns of technology fees?

Title Apple and contactless payments
Subject Use of contactless payments by Apple’s competitors
Content – Apple allows competitors to use contactless payment technology
– European Commission: Margrethe Vestager warns against technology costs
Keywords Apple, contactless payments, competitors, European Commission, Margrethe Vestager, technology costs

When it comes to contactless payments, Apple is now allowing competitors access to this technology, providing new opportunities in the market. However, European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager warns of the impact of technology fees on competition, highlighting the importance of regulating this growing sector.

Apple opens access to contactless payments to its competitors

Recently, Apple has decided to allow its competitors to use its contactless payment technologies via the Tap-and-Go functionality. This initiative aims to encourage innovation and promote fairer competition in the payment technologies.

Thanks to this opening, users of non-Apple devices can now benefit from the advantages of contactless payments, previously reserved only for Apple brand devices. This includes increased ease of use, enhanced security and an optimized user experience for everyday transactions.

European Commissioner Vestager warns about technology fees

Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, however, expressed reservations about this development. She warns against technology costs that Apple could impose for the use of its infrastructures.

Vestager emphasizes that the European Union remains vigilant regarding the practices of technology giants. She emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the new parameters do not create additional financial barriers for competing companies.

Comparison of Apple’s initiatives and Vestager’s warnings

Apple action Vestager’s reaction
Access to contactless payments via Tap-and-Go Warning about potential fees
Promote fair competition Monitoring of business practices
Ease of use for everyone Possibility of financial barriers
Secure user experience Importance of consumer protection

Key links between Apple and the European Commission

To better understand the current situation, it is useful to look at several key points:

  • Access to contactless payments: Apple opens its technologies to its rivals.
  • Technology costs: Vestager warns of potential charges imposed by Apple.
  • Innovation : Facilitating transactions thanks to new openings.
  • Competition : Encourages the prosperity of a fair market.


Q: Why did Apple decide to allow its competitors to use its payment technologies?

A: Apple seeks to promote innovation and fairer competition in the payment technology market.

Q: What are the benefits for users of this decision by Apple?

A: Users benefit from greater ease of use, enhanced security for transactions, and an optimized user experience.

Q: What reservations did European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager express?

A: Vestager warned against technology fees that Apple could impose for the use of its infrastructure, ensuring that this does not create additional financial barriers for competitors.

Q: How does the European Commission monitor Apple’s practices?

A: The European Commission remains vigilant and closely monitors the business practices of tech giants to ensure consumer protection and fair competition.

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